#momsofCandS: Elfira

By day, they are nurses, doctors, medical experts etc. But at home they are also moms & dads. Frontline healthcare workers are at the heart and soul of all that’s been going on lately around the world and battling a virus that’s constantly changing.

We recently had the opportunity to work with frontliner mummy of 3 boys, Elfira, and chat with her about how she juggles motherhood, breastfeeding and self-care.

* Hello! tell us a little bit about yourself and your little family and how long you’ve been breastfeeding for?

Hello! I’m a FTWM in the healthcare sector and I’ve got 3 boys aged 4, 2 and a newborn! I’ve been breastfeeding since my firstborn! 

* As a FTWM in the healthcare sector, how do you keep up with your supply?

It’s never sunshine and rainbows everyday and I definitely have bad days where supply is on the low side due to time constraints during working hours to pump in time, therefore I take lactation goodies and supplements to help me out for that little boost.

* What advice would you give another breastfeeding mom who may be going through a similar experience?

I would strongly say, never give up and keep going! Tough days will come but that look when your child gives you while latching… ahhhh that’s just the best feeling ever! 

* As full time working parents with shift jobs, how do you juggle young kids and work and what’s your advice for other new parents such as yourself too?

A good time management and a hands-on husband who shares the chores from house to the kids, definitely helps!

As shift workers, there are days where my husband and I will have to work opposite shifts to care for our kids, so we usually dedicate a day per week to have a little date out just so we can catch up on each other without being around the kids. Also having a routine is really helpful. I put my children down for the night by 8.30pm latest just so my husband can get his workout, while I catch up on some K-drama!

My advice for new mums would be, to acknowledge and share your every feelings and thoughts. There’s no way we can raise happy children if we’re not happy ourselves.

* Your favourite way to self care / recharge?

I would say…. Working out! It makes me feel so good when I’m able to give an hour to myself even if it means I’ll be all sweaty at the end of it!


Thank you Mummy for sharing this with us! While the dedication of healthcare personnels in helping their patients is truly admirable, we should also remember that these heroes behind their masks and PPEs are people with families, children, anxieties and needs who endure long shifts and schedules. So to all frontliners and healthcare workers, we see you and we are here with you! THANK YOU! Words will never be enough to express how thankful we are for your dedication to your family and to your country.